miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

Pair Programming

Pair Programming Entry

The article introduces us with one of the many programming techniques, Pair programming which "is a practice in which two programmers work side-by-side at one computer, continuously collaborating on the same design, algorithm, code, or test."

This technique has many advantages as improving productivity and quality of a software product, moreover, a survey found that programmers were more "confident" in their solutions when programming in pairs as opposed to working alone.

The largest example of it's accomplishment is the sizable Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation system launched in May 1997. After initial development problems, Beck and Jeffries restarted the development using XP (Extreme Programming), Beck and Jeffries trained their team in the new methodology and in no time there was a remarkable change, a full room of paired programmers working on the same code at one computer, they were delivering tested (nearly 100% bug free) code faster than ever, the groups completed the task 40% more quickly and effectively by producing better algorithms and code in less time.

But not all is perfection, there is a serial of principles of why pair programming works with such success: one person is typing and the other one is always reviewing the work this person needs to be cautious with not become a passive observer, it has to be engaged in the program.
Also, it's crucial to avoid having excess ego in a member, this is prejudicial to the technique, that "pro" programmer will not be opened to other points of view and will always do thing his "way".

There is a certain resilience to make the transition to pair programming. But most make this transition with great success, the result speaks by itself, if your project or product fits to apply pair programming you should really consider it as an option.

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